Expert’s Profiles
Y. W. Chen (USA)
Corporate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance
Yaftian, Ali (Australia)
Audit and Control, Corporate Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Ethics
Yahanpath, Noel (New Zealand)
D23 - Organizational Behavior; Transaction Costs; Property Rights, E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Business Valutation, Financial Regulation
Yang, Chongsheng (China)
M41 - Accounting, Business Ethics, Business Administration, Financial Economics
Yang, Minhua (USA)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance
Yeung, Shirley Mo Ching (Hong-Kong)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Financial Management, M31 - Marketing
Yeung, Shirley Mo-ching (Hong-Kong)
L15 - Information and Product Quality, M11 - Production Management, M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility, M31 - Marketing
Younas, Zahid Irshad (Pakistan)
E42 - Monetary Standards and Regimes; Government and the Monetary System, G22 - Insurance; Insurance Companies, Risk Management
Young, Jackie (South Africa)
General Corporate Governance , D81 - Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty
Yu-Ju Chen (Taiwan)
Executive Remuneration, P34 - Finance, Family Business
Yuniawan, Ahyar (Indonesia)
P34 - Finance, Corporate Finance, Performance management, Corporate Governance
Yurtoglu, Burcin (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Finance

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