Expert’s Profiles
Zwergel, Bernhard (Germany)
M21 - Business Economics, Business Ethics
Zwane, Bonginkosi Keith (South Africa)
Zülch, Henning (Germany)
Corporate Governance Regulation, Financial Reporting, G34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance, M41 - Accounting, Financial Regulation
Zorio Grima, Ana (Spain)
Audit and Control, Corporate Governance
Zipfel, Sarah (Germany)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Management, Corporate Governance
Zhong Qin (China)
Corporate Finance, Business Ethics
Zheng, Connie (Australia)
Human Resource Management, Corporate Governance
Zhao, Jinxin (China)
General Corporate Governance , M52 - Compensation and Compensation Methods and Their Effects (stock options, fringe benefits, incentives, seniority issues)
Zhao, Huainan (United Kingdom)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Finance, Financial Management
Zhang, Ganggang (United Kingdom)
Corporate Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance
Zemzem, Ahmed (Tunisia)
Corporate Finance, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance, Financial Economics
Zeghal, Daniel (Canada)
General Corporate Governance , Audit and Control, M41 - Accounting, Risk Management, Corporate Social Disclosure
Zarone, Vincenzo (Italy)
P43 - Finance; Public Finance, Public sector, Public management
Zanda, Stefania (Italy)
Strategic Management, Human Resource Management
Zampella, Annamaria (Italy)
G21 - Banks; Other Depository Institutions; Mortgages, M41 - Accounting, Risk Management
Zaman Khan, Habib (Australia)
M41 - Accounting, Performance management, Corporate Governance
Zabri, Shafie Mohamed (Malaysia)
General Corporate Governance , Behaviour Finance
Yurtoglu, Burcin (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Finance
Yuniawan, Ahyar (Indonesia)
P34 - Finance, Corporate Finance, Performance management, Corporate Governance
Yu-Ju Chen (Taiwan)
Executive Remuneration, P34 - Finance, Family Business

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