Expert’s Profiles
Gadhoum, Yoser (Canada)
Corporate Finance, Portfolio management, Corporate Governance, Financial Management
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance, Financial Management
Gaitan, Sandra (Colombia)
Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring, Corporate Finance, International Finance, Corporate Governance
Galle, Annika (Netherlands)
Entrepreneurial Economics, K15 - Civil Law
Gallego, Manuel (Spain)
Corporate Board Issues, Corporate Governance Regulation, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Strategy, Corporate Governance
Gallery, Gerry (Australia)
Financial Reporting, G23 - Pension Funds; Other Private Financial Institutions, M41 - Accounting, P47 - Performance and Prospects, Capital Markets, Corporate Social Disclosure, Corporate Governance
Gamage, Helan (Singapore)
M21 - Business Economics, M31 - Marketing, Business Administration
Ganguli, Santanu K. (India)
General Corporate Governance , Dividends, G32 - Financing Policy; Capital and Ownership Structure, Corporate Finance
García-Benau, María Antonia (Spain)
P17 - Performance and Prospects, P34 - Finance, Corporate Governance
Garcia-Castro, Roberto (Spain)
General Corporate Governance , M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility
Garefalakis, Alexandros (Greece)
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Tax Accounting
Garnier, Miriam (France)
Risk Management
Garro Paulin, Alma (United Kingdom)
Corporate Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance
Gelmini, Lorenzo (Italy)
Genc, Ismail (United Arab Emirates)
B22 - Macroeconomics, E42 - Monetary Standards and Regimes; Government and the Monetary System
Gennari, Francesca (Italy)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Social Responsibility
Ghabayen, Mohammad Ahid (Jordan)
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Banking
Ghazalat, Anas Najeeb Mosa (Malaysia)
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting
Ghozali, Imam (Indonesia)
General Corporate Governance

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