Zwergel, Bernhard (Germany)
M21 - Business Economics, Business Ethics
Zülch, Henning (Germany)
Corporate Governance Regulation, Financial Reporting, G34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance, M41 - Accounting, Financial Regulation
Zipfel, Sarah (Germany)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Management, Corporate Governance
Yurtoglu, Burcin (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Finance
Wolf, Michael (Germany)
Corporate Governance Regulation, Earnings Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Governance
Werner, Jörg R. (Germany)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance
Voll, Daniel (Germany)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance, Financial Management
Van Uum, Carolin (Germany)
Corporate Social Responsibility, Strategic Management, Corporate Governance
Tyrell, Marcel (Germany)
Mergers, Acquisitions, Restructuring, L15 - Information and Product Quality
Stubner, Stephan (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Strategic Management, Family Business
Stiglbauer, Markus (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Social Responsibility
Stawinoga, Martin (Germany)
Audit and Control, Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility
Sprungk, Björn (Germany)
C11 - Bayesian Analysis, C44 - Statistical Decision Theory; Operations Research
Schmidt, Ulrich (Germany)
C44 - Statistical Decision Theory; Operations Research, E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy
Schmidt, Christian (Germany)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Finance
Schiereck, Dirk (Germany)
G34 - Mergers; Acquisitions; Restructuring; Corporate Governance, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Finance, Capital Markets, Risk Management
Salewski, Marcus (Germany)
Earnings Management, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Disclosure
Rapp, Marc Steffen (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Governance Regulation
Prigge, Stefan (Germany)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Finance, Family Business, Banking
Lubnau, Thorben (Germany)
Capital Markets, Corporate Governance

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