Financial Reporting

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Suyono, Eko (Indonesia)
Financial Reporting, Earnings Management, O16 - Financial Markets; Saving and Capital Investment, Corporate Social Responsibility
Suranta, Sri (Indonesia)
Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance
Audit and Control, Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting
Slaheddine, Trabelsi (Saudi Arabia)
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility
General Corporate Governance , Financial Reporting, M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Social Disclosure
Shahwan, Yousef (United Arab Emirates)
Financial Reporting, M41 - Accounting
Sarea, Adel Mohammed (Kingdom of Bahrain)
Financial Reporting, Earnings Management, M41 - Accounting
Sanad, Zakeya (Kingdom of Bahrain)
Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance