The web page is launched!

Welcome to the new web page of the Corporate Governance Experts Global Repository! This project was initiated by the Director and Editor in Chief of the publishing house Virtus Interpress – Prof. Alex Kostyuk in 2013. During many year of work in the field of corporate governance we’ve united our partners and friends into a small network by the International Center for Banking and Corporate Governance. But with time network is becoming larges and scope of expertise covered by researchers we work is growing continuously.

In the world of modern technology and rapid development of research it is hard to trace all new outcomes and results of other people’s work. That’s why we’ve decided to collect profiles of majority of academic and practitioners’ experts in corporate governance in one place, with indication of their expertise, projects, and achievements. We believe that this will encourage international cooperation because now it will be easier to find coauthors or partners for the research teams or hire a professional on the vacant position at the university or company.