Yang, Minhua (USA)
M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance
Y. W. Chen (USA)
Corporate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance
Xu, Tracy (USA)
General Corporate Governance , P34 - Finance, Corporate Finance
Woidtke, Tracie (USA)
Corporate Board Issues, J33 - Compensation Packages; Payment Methods, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance
Wang, Carol (USA)
Corporate Finance, Banking, Corporate Governance
Vozikis, George S. (USA)
Corporate Finance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Risk Management, Corporate Governance
Velury, Uma (USA)
Ownership Structure, Earnings Management, M41 - Accounting
Ueng, Joe (USA)
P34 - Finance, Corporate Finance
Torna, Gokhan (USA)
E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Corporate Finance, Banking
Thomson, James B. (USA)
B15 - Historical; Institutional, E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Banking
Takei, Hideki (USA)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Finance
Spong, Kenneth (USA)
General Corporate Governance , Corporate Governance Regulation
Spieler, Andrew C. (USA)
L85 - Real Estate Services, Corporate Finance, Risk Management
Song, Hakjoon (USA)
General Corporate Governance , Audit and Control, M41 - Accounting
Sitorus, Romora E. (USA)
E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Corporate Finance
Singer, Daniel (USA)
G24 - Investment Banking; Venture Capital; Brokerage, M14 - Corporate Culture; Social Responsibility, P34 - Finance
Shim, Eunsup Daniel (USA)
Executive Remuneration, J33 - Compensation Packages; Payment Methods, M41 - Accounting, Corporate Governance
Schumann, Kathryn (USA)
Corporate Finance, Business Ethics, Corporate Governance
Rowe, Wei (USA)
E44 - Financial Markets and the Macroeconomy, Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance
Rodgers, Waymond (USA)
Audit and Control, R42 - Government and Private Investment Analysis, Investment flows, Corporate Governance
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